Direct link: Objective5.zip
Eve Snowshoes is trying to recover a password. Head to the Island of Misfit Toys and take a crack at it!
Eve Snowshoes
I'm Eve Snowshoes, resident tech hobbyist, and I hear Alabaster is in quite the predicament.
Our dear Alabaster forgot his password. He's been racking his jingle bells of memory with no luck.
I've been trying to handle this password recovery thing parallel to this hashcat business myself but it seems like I am missing some tricks.
So, what do you say, chief, ready to get your hands on some hashcat action and help a distraught elf out?
Examining What's Here⚓︎
The text you've provided appears to be a hash string, specifically a Kerberos 5 AS-REP hash. This type of hash is typically associated with network authentication protocols and is used in cybersecurity contexts, particularly in password cracking and network security testing.
Incorporating the Hints⚓︎
hashcat -m 18200 -w 1 -u 1 --kernel-accel 1 --kernel-loops 1 --force -a 0 hash.txt password_list.txt
/bin/runtoanswer IluvC4ndyC4nes!
Objective Answer
Eve Snowshoes
Aha! Success! Alabaster will undoubtedly be grateful for our assistance.
Onward to our next adventure, comrade! Feel free to explore this whimsical world of gears and steam!