Phish Detection Agency⚓︎
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Fitzy Shortstack on Film Noir Island needs help battling dastardly phishers. Help sort the good from the bad!
Fitzy Shortstack
Just my luck, I thought...
A cybersecurity incident right in the middle of this stakeout.
Seems we have a flood of unusual emails coming in through ChatNPT.
Got a nagging suspicion it isn't catching all the fishy ones.
You're our phishing specialist right? Could use your expertise in looking through the output of ChatNPT.
Not suggesting a full-blown forensic analysis, just mark the ones screaming digital fraud.
DMARC, DKIM, and SPF, oh my!
Discover the essentials of email security with DMARC, DKIM, and SPF at Cloudflare's Guide.
There are 34 emails to examine. After checking each for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC indicators and labeling them appropriately, the objective is complete.
Objective Answer
Fitzy Shortstack
You've cracked the case! Once again, you've proven yourself to be an invaluable asset in our fight against these digital foes.